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Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Hey everyone how are you? It's been a while but i'm back with some great news! Since we last spoke, I was talking about my screenwriting class. I think it's going well, I got all A's so far. But, i'm very excited for my movie, " Coming Out The Dark" that will start filming in late october. I want to give a special shout out to my author's Juan Diaz, Janae M Robinson, and Tahali Mubeen! I just want you guys to know that you are well on your way. Continue to tell your stories and make your readers proud!

Since my journey with writing I have published seven books, started my own company, a screenwriter, ghostwriter and a mentor. God has blessed me so much and you wouldn't believe what I have been through. But, I stand on faith!! As a writer or author I know the struggle that you have to go through in order to get your best work out. Trust, me i've been there.
I can't explain the joy that I feel with how much I have overcome in my life. I was born at one pound and dropped down to thirteen ounces. I now stand before you writing this post! Life was hard growing up but I prevailed. I just want to thank everyone for the support since day one. I humbly thank you so much.

That is all for now. I will be in touch soon. Please check out these great reads:
Tears of War by Juan Diaz
Bridal Bliss by Janae M Robinson
80's Babies: Love Comes From Few When It's Real
Coming Soon
Tears of War 2 by Juan Diaz
Lost in Bliss by Janae M Robinson

Until next time, Ciao

Monday, July 9, 2012

Domestic Violence

I have read a lot of books and seen a lot of shows about domestic violence. I remember the infamous movie that started it all, " The Burning Bed" which starred the late Farrah Fawcett. This movie was about a married couple with children. The husband would abuse the woman and one day she got tired of it and burned the man while he was sleeping. Domestic Violence is something that must come to an end but will it? Then I remember watching the Tyler Perry film, and Blair Underwood plays an abusive man who physically abuses his fiancé. She too, was putting up with the abuse until she got tired of it. Now, I know that men often are abused as well, but the majority is the woman. I don't share this often  but I was in an abusive relationship a long time ago and I remember taking up for him. For some reason, I wasn't afraid of him. There were times when the relationship was good and when it was bad, it was because of his insecurities. Didn't want me having male friends, or talking to men. It's funny how I can remember every detail of that relationship that only lasted for 5 months! But, I fought back every time he swung. I wasn't afraid of him. It had gotten to the point where I said to him, " This isn't working. I shouldn't be hitting you and vice versa." Thankfully he agreed and we went our separate ways. But what about those women who aren't able to fight back? Those women who are afraid of their abusers? When does us as women realize that we are better off without the physical, verbal and mental abuse? I used to say to my girlfriends some time ago, " I'd rather have a man beat my ass because physical  abuse will heal, but verbal abuse will last a lifetime." They would agree with my statement, but now being older, any abuse can last a lifetime if you let it. I don't often think about my abusive relationship that i was in because I forgave him and moved on with my life. I'm just glad that I got out of it. The funny thing is, when i was going through the abuse I told someone. But then i figured,   "I made my bed who i would lay in it." One thing that I will say is this, having that experience has me a better person today. I'm glad that I endured that pain because now I know what Love isn't or what I thought it once was. Domestic Violence is an awful crime and I wish that it would be stopped. A lot of people's lives are at stake and enough is enough. One day it will be too late for some people. If you know anyone who is being abused please help them. Look at the signs of abuse. They may be distant, no longer calling or hanging out with friends, etc,. Some people are crying for help even though they are silent. I read a book titled, "Where Would I Be", by one of my friends Laura Johnson. I love this book so much because Laura, speaks about what she endured with her abuse. The book talks about a girl who was in love with a man and he abused her. She goes through many trials but sees light at the end of the tunnel. I recommend this book to the fullest! Also check out Through Her Eyes by Krystol , which is a story based on my life and I share my battle with abuse from that previous relationship I was once in. Stay tuned for a great book called Love From a Fist, by Lisa Amos! I read the prelude of this book and I must say this girl was abused as a child. The book looks like it will very good, I can't wait for it to come out.  I feel as though that people who are charged with Domestic Violence should receive a life sentence because us victims already get a life sentence, because it will stay with us forever. Being a victim of Domestic Violence, is something that people especially victims will always remember. It ruins relationships with future mates, because they may think is" he" like "him?" It's not fair to have the new relationship suffer from the old one. I don't do this but I know that some people may. These are my thoughts for now. Until next time readers, be blessed, be happy, and be free.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Journey of the Screenplay

Well now that we have learned about knowing the subject of the screen play, there are several questions that we should ask. What is our main character's background? Where is he/she from? When writing a screen play, the main character  is the most important. I just wrote my first 5 pages of my screenplay that i am doing for school. Prior to writing my screenplay, I read a screenplay called, "American Beauty" and although I didn't see the movie, the screenplay was easy to read. I thought that I was going to have trouble understanding but I was really impressed. It was actually good. Now that I have written the first 5 pages of my screenplay, I feel confident that I am doing things right!
By the way, Happy 4th to everyone. I hope that your day was good, and you ate well. What does the Declaration of Independence mean to you? In my opinion I feel that it means things in the world were starting to get better. Although during 1776, slaves still existed. I won't get into about how I feel about slaves, that's different blog. But I will say that I am glad women have rights now and we are able to be paid the same as men if they have the same job description. Anyway, enough of that. Until next time, have a good evening and enjoy the 4th of July!!!