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Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Good morning bloggers!! I hope that this day has you in good spirits and you are refreshed!! Today I wanted to touch a little on forgiveness and it's importance. There are many people who hurt us intentionally and unintentionally. We never know why it happens but it does. Sometimes we often hold grudges against them and then we can't stand them after while. So, this is what I came up with. If we don't forgive those who have done us wrong whether it's family, friends, spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend, we are giving them power over us! Yes, power! I know it may sound crazy but we are the ones so busy holding on this grudge for I don't know how long and the person is living it up like it's golden, without a care in the world!! I feel that at the end of the day it's not worth it. That causes tension which causes stress and stress is that silent killer, none of us needs. Take Aurica Daniels for instance, ( Get your copy of Sweet Innocence to find out more), Aurica didn't forgive her rapist and she dwelled on what happend to her. It stayed with her her whole life. Which ultimately caused more problems. If anyone has done you wrong, will you take the time and forgive them?  Followers let's talk about this, and if you aren't following me, please do. I'd love to read your thoughts!

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