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Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Hey readers!! Well, it's about that time again for National Novel Writing Month aka NaNo as some of us writers call it.  Nano is where you get together with other writers in the world and you write a full novel in one month. I know it may sound difficult, but with the help of your writing buddies, and the Nano website, you can achieve it! www. gives you a specific writing schedule daily which is about 1600 words per day for the next four weeks, that's it! I know some of you may say it's easy and some of you may want to pull your hair out, lol.  It's okay, we are all in this together and we can be each other's motivation. This is only my second time doing Nano and I must say my first time I was so nervous and didn't know what to expect. Although I finished the last Nano, this time i'm doing this different. 

Here is a list of things I need to do before Nov.1st 

1. Outline my novel
2.Research on the topic for my book ( My book is called Back Stabber) so I will research bullying, hazing, etc 
3. Give my two main characters a full live from child to high school. Which includes, a birthdate, Zodiac Sign, Blood type, and a personality. ( Characters must be real people although they are fiction.)
4. Get my book cover done
5. Work on time management with the upcoming month. ( I'm also in school and have my own publishing company.)
6. Go over research and revise my outline if need be. 

Suggested Materials for Nano:
1. Note cards
2. Pens/Pencils
3. Different color high liters
4. Laptop/Netbook/Macbook Pro ( Whatever you have)
5. I suggest you use other books that helps with Character Development, and your writing skills. (For me I have Dynamic Characters by Nancy Kress (Great Book!) , Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott and Plot &Structure by James Scott Bell
6. Get into your comfy place when starting to write your novel. 
7. Have your snack and drinks available. ( Must have high energy when writing)
8. Find out what time of day works for you when writing. ( For me I write best after 1 am for some reason). 
9 Finally, BREATHE and RELAX. It will be okay. I know it may seem stressful especially if you have  a job and/or family. but you can do it! I will be your cheerleader! 
10. Write On


                               You Can Do It!!! 



  1. Hi Krystol, I really enjoyed this post especially your writing tips. I will be incorporating some of them into my process. I am doing NaNo for the first time this year. I am so excited and a little nervous. I work full time and I have a 4mo old but I have specific times allocated to writing every day. I will not have any excuses and I will write 1,667 words every day. By the way, I am doing a giveaway to help get support and encouragement. I am giving away an Amazon gift card. You should enter, if you want. The details are on my blog.
    I will look for you and add you as a buddy on NaNo website.

  2. Thanks Love Kiyah! Yes I know how it is to be busy and still want to write. My Nano is KDP Krissy. I will defiantly follow your blog! How are you doing today?
