Hey everyone! I hope that your new year is going well so far. Me, I am going to sign up for a gym and buy some cardboard for a vision board that i'm going to make. What is a vision board you say? A vision board is a big piece of cardboard and you decorate it with your goals that you have. Once you achieve one of those goals, you remove it from your vision board. I hear that it is VERY successful. If anyone decides to make a vision board, please leave a comment below or send a picture. I will post mines once it's finished. Now, how is your writing going? Do you have writer's block? If so, check out my blog on writer's block. With my writing I have been working on my script called If It Ain't Broke. I just wrote twenty more pages so in total I'm at 61 pages!! Yes i'm so excited. I only have 40 more pages to go and then I will be complete!! It feels good to be able to actually take something from school and use it. I was just talking to my dad this evening, and he told me who would have thought that you would have been a writer. I had to agree with him. When I was younger I wanted to be a psychiatrist. I know, weird right? But I think that life can surprise us in a way that we can't fathom. If you would have told me ten years ago that I would be a successful writer, I would have called you a liar. But here I am writing for magazines, books, scripts, publishing aspiring authors, who knew? I will say this, I'm glad to have the gift of writing in different genres. Now that I am getting good at it, I wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world, would you?

Talk to you guys soon,
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