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Monday, December 31, 2012

It's Monday!!!

Hey readers and writers. It's New Eve's and I want to know your plans! Are you going to Times Square and watch the ball drop, or going to a party! As for me I will be in the house writing. Why, you ask? Well I have a book to finish and three more to write. I also have a sample to complete for a potential job. Anyway, how is your writing going for those who are writers? Are you meeting your daily goal if you do have one? I feel that as a writer it's important to have a daily goal. I know one can have a daily goal all day, but sticking to it is the problem. My daily writing goal is to just write. I used to give myself a word count and page count but i don't anymore. I feel that writing the story is satisfaction enough. What are your writing plans for the new year 2013? Let's talk. I want to know your  concerns, fears, goals, and hopes. Remember to always to be the best that you can be. Don't let ANYONE dictate your writing. You write what ever is in your heart. If I could give ANY advice for the upcoming year, it's to write until your heart is content. Never force writing. On days that you don't want to write, don't! As for me, I'm in school and I have to write a lot but I like to write. Let that voice inside of you be heard through your stories and your words. When your fingers get to typing, let it take you away, like Calgon. Ok, lol I know that was corny, but the concept is true.  For the new writers, I have a great book that would benefit you I think.

1. Bird by Bird by Anne Lammot

It's a GREAT read!! It has helped me a lot on my career.

Also check out...
1. The Little Brown Handbook
This book is a great guide for all KINDS of writers. It helps with grammar, punctuation, and it's a MUST have. It's a little pricey but it's so worth it.
Have a great monday and happy writing!

Write as if your life depends on it!

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