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Monday, January 28, 2013

The Writing Blues


Writers what do you do when you have the writing blues? It's ALOT different from having writer's block. You have those times when you literally get frustrated when you are writing.  Often times you are crying, or stressing over the people in your head. Trying to talk to the characters that are living in your head. I've had the writer's blues several times and the only thing that seems to work for me is to keep writing!! I know that may sound weird, but it's true. The more you write the more the story comes alive. Even if you think it's garbage, it still may be some potential that lies within the pages. I get it, no one wants to walk through the swinging door of confusion and developing possible writer's block.  But having the blues can make or break any writer. There's always the possibility of writing a really GREAT story filled with adventure or writing the worst story none to man. But, there is always a risk to take right? Dr. Seuss got turned down 32 times before anyone gave him a yes and there isn't one person on the earth that doesn't know about green eggs n ham. As writer's  we have to grab our pens, paper, and laptops by the horns and get to work. Never stay stagnant, keep moving. Having the writer's blues is okay to have for a moment. Sure, you can sulk, cry and even feel guilty for your writing career, but once you've gotten down and out just ask yourself, How will anyone know my story if I don't tell it?  If you have the writing blues, here are some tips that I have developed to help you along the way. I like to think of it as a prescription that will help you get over your illness. Happy writing folks! Until next time always remember, " Everyone has a story, what better way to tell it then through words!"

Below are some signs that you have the writer's blues

1. You stare at your story for hours without writing anything.
2. You add fluff without any description
3. Loose will power to pick up your pen
4. Say, " I'll get to it later when i'm inspired"
5. Expect the story to come alive just because you say so
6. Stop writing for long periods of time because it' on the back burner
7. Develop writer's block and say F it.
8. Stop reading books that deal with the genre you are writing (Always a good tool)
9. Say you will write everyday and don't
10. Bang your head against your laptop because you no longer have or see your vision for the story.

Tools to help you to have the Writing Spirit

1. Make an outline of each chapter
2. Be as descriptive as possible when writing.
3. Showing your story to readers and not just telling it.
4. Have a clear and open mind.
5. Write as much as possible whether it's a journal, blog, etc.
6. Read books for leisure
7. Talk to your friends about your story and getting them excited for the read
8. Sitting in a comfortable atmosphere writing your heart out.
9. Giving yourself a deadline to complete the first draft
10. Getting excited about your rewrite and sending it of to the editor

Let's Discuss!
What helps you recover from the blues?


  1. I like to surround myself with all of my cherished things when I write especially plants and scented candles. It relaxes and energizes me and helps to set the mood.

  2. I love to have music playing when I write.

  3. Great article - my blues are more to do with the Huge doubt monster taking hold. He has his claws into me at the moment and it's been ages since I've done any serious writing (although I'm actually busy trying to get a cross sticth done for my daughter so that does take up a lot of time - also sadly a good excuse)However I did do some alterations to a chapter tonight but when I looked at the next one which needed the opening paragraph rewritten I couldn't do it.

  4. Hmmm...well Marie, it seems that you need to take a step back and regroup. Never force writing. And yes, doubt monster's always come out of hiding sometimes. You have to kick it's but with the " Get it Girls"! They have super powers and they get things done no matter the circumstances when it's time. Thank you for the compliment :)

  5. Great site, I have been renewed! I think this is a second sign of encouragement!! 1st sign was connecting with author Angelia Vernon Menchan,and now this sign, the second sign. This a great encouraging and resourceful sign and site. This may even be a muse for me, including my unlimited imagination! Thank you!!

  6. Paula I'm glad that my blog can help you! #Writeon :)
