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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

MSH Blog Tour


Hey viewers! I must say that I'm so excited to be involved in a blog tour!! Yes, a blog tour! I must say that I'm excited to be involved in the Mountain Springs House Publishing blog tour. This is my first tour that I am apart of. I used to be involved in some a long time ago, but things have changed. What I look to get out of this tour is new followers. Not only for the tour but for my books as well. I've learned to try and reach out to all different kind of readers. There are people of all diverse cultures that will love to read my blogs and genres of writing which includes Fiction, Erotica, Drama, and Young Adult.  I like to write in different styles because my imagination can run wild! I have all kinds of ideas in my head that need to come out. Plus, I'm also a screenwriter. It's fun to see what you created on paper on screen. I'm ready for this blog tour and I hope to make more friends just like I have with the people of Mountain Springs House, they are GREAT. Don't believe me? See for yourself! Be sure to check them out of on Facebook:

This publishing house is filled with lots of wonderful people and more are joining everyday. Although I have my own publishing company, I like to think of MSH as my second home from home. I go there to vent, swap ideas, and bring my literary cents to the table when asked. I'm honored to be apart of such a great establishment. Also I'll be on other author's blogs posts soon too. Be sure to check me out over there. You never know what I may be talking about next! Catcha later and until then keep doing things, 

The Write Way

Monday, May 27, 2013

Officer On Duty: The Prison Guard Diaries

I know that you would have never though I'd be writing something so...out of my element. Sure, I have touched on erotica before in my writing but with this new book, I decided to be hard core! Not hard core in a pornish kind of way, but hard core in the sense of thinking outside of the box. I started getting into erotica when I was in high school. I was 16 years old when I started to truly learn about sex. I must admit the subject sparked my interest immediately. But, what teenager wouldn't be curious about sex? I wasn't having it but when you go through health class and have the talk with your parents about the birds and the bees, has it ever made you wonder why you were supposed to wait until marriage? Then there's the question, well my friends are doing it, why can't I? I remember going to library and reading all these books on sexual education, teen pregnancy and Std's! Yes, STDS! I couldn't believe my eyes as to what I was reading. By the time I read my 5th book and the bell rang for me to go to my next class, I was not ready for sex nor the topic of it. But, then one of my friends told me about this author Zane. At first I thought that she was a he until I later on found out. Anyway, she gave me this book called " The Sex Chronicles". After reading the synopsis (the blurb on the back of the book), I was hooked. There were several copies at my school library so I quickly checked it out. Boy, was I about to read something that clearly wasn't taught in school. After I read the book I was hooked! The graphic details intrigued me and the storyline captured my thought process. Could people be really capable of what's in THIS book?

Now 12 years later, I'm a writer and I LOVE it! I mean I can be any one that I want to be a man, woman, drunk, princess. The sky is the limit as long as my fingers type on the keys. I like to think of myself as a determined writer. I'm determined to get my stories out by any means necessary. But, my latest novel that I'm writing is an erotica called Officer On Duty: The Prison Guard Diaries. I decided writing this book because I've heard so many jail stories where guards have relations with inmates. So, I decided to write my own story, my own way. I want for my readers and all readers to really enjoy this story. I want them to be able to see what they are reading as if it can really happen. Yes, this is fiction!  This story is about a prison guard who has a craving for the male species. She can't get a man on her own in her own life so she goes to the next best thing, her job! I won't spill too many of the juicy details but here is an excerpt of what's to come! Hope you enjoy and keep doing it, 
The Write Way.  Please leave a comment below of what you think! I love to hear from my viewers and readers.

“ Hey Officer Reynold.” I said in my black police uniform.
“ Banks. Your on til 6am got it?”
“ Yes Sir.”
I was pissed because it was just 9 pm. I had my coffee in my hand and I was ready to work. And I don’t mean watch inmates all night. I was grabbing my clipboard and ‘ night stick when he said,
“ Oh and Banks…”
“ Yes Sir?”
“ From now on you will be the only guard on Pod 8 at night. If you need someone else to work with you just let me know.” 
Inside I was smiling because I know that I could have all the sex I wanted. Well, once I got the inmates to agree to it anyway. I walked away and looked at the clipboard and saw inmate number 24601. I had been eying him some time now. He noticed me to. He was in for some drug charge. But, the man had a body on him! I couldn’t help but grin as I went to Pod 8 to be the guard on duty.  Lights didn’t go out for another half hour. I roamed the pod as I saw the men talking to one another, writing, drawing, what ever they could do to pass the time. I saw one inmate admiring my curves from afar in my uniform. I must admit I am fine. Light skin, black hair, nice ass and breasts so plump and firm you would think they were plums. The men always checked me out. But, I had to stay assertive and firm. I never showed weakness. I kept roaming from cell to cell when a white man caught my eye crying. I walked over with my firm tone and said,
“ Why are you crying?”
“ I just don’t want to be here, I didn’t kill that woman.” The man said.
I looked in my chart. It had every inmates name with their crime. They found his wife in the house dead. She was stabbed to death. His prints all over the knife, I know he wasn’t set up or was he? Hey, I could give two shits if these inmates were guilty or not.  My job was to guard them not have sympathy for them. Well…and to fuck on occasion. I mean, why not? All these dicks in here, clean dicks at that….well for the most part. I can spot the faggots easily.
“ Wipe your tears. Lights out in a few.” I said.
“ Yes, Ma’am. You sure are pretty.”
I looked at him and kept walking.  Then there he was. 24601. Just sitting in his cell with his shirt off doing some push-ups. My pussy instantly got wet. He was one of the few inmates without a roommate. When he was pushing up he noticed me and stopped. I was licking my lips. Sweat was glistening on his body like he just finished a boxing match. I was beyond turned on.
“ Hey Banks.” He said as he blew me a kiss.
I just smiled at him.
“ I saw you were at the rec watching me work out.”
I still didn’t respond although he was whispering to me.
“ Lights out in two minutes.” I said.
He grabbed his dick and looked at me. I had an empty piece of paper in my chart and wrote in it. He had a look of fear on his face thinking I was going to write him up.  After I finished writing him I held it up.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Be Assertive In Business


I know that some people are business owners. Whether you are a publisher, writer, CEO of this or that. It's always pays well to be assertive when handling business. I wouldn't have it ANY other WAY! I used to be very nice and soft spoken when I started my business as a publisher and a writer. I have learned a valuable lesson, BEING NICE DOESN'T PAY THE BILLS!! Yes, I say this from my heart. Sometimes you have to be assertive and a "bitch" for things to run smoothly. If you can't stand for something you will fall for anything. I recently had to learn this valuable lesson on many accords with different people. There is nothing wrong with still being polite, but if people feel that they can take your kindness for weakness THEY WILL and don't let them! So, what do you have to do be more assertive? Here is a list of a few things I can think of. 

1. Let your yes be yes and No's be No's 
2. Always collect your money UP FRONT no ifs and or buts about it
3. Have the mindset that you don't play when it comes to business
4. Show up to meetings on time. Punctuality is important
5. Be clear, be stern, be consistent.

Those are just a few that came to mind. Why wasn't I practicing what I'm preaching? Good question! I used to live in a world ( of my own) that if someone seemed legit and fair, that's how they were. Whoa!!! Big reality check!!! When I would have dealings with other business professional or lacks there of, I started to see a pattern within myself. I noticed that I was too open to people, too kind with letting things slide, and if I felt you were a friend or had a good rapport with you, things would be easier also. BOY WAS I WRONG!! NEVER under any circumstances, treat your friend your doing business with, like a friend! Once business comes to play, friendship is out the window. I often don't work with many friends because if the business doesn't work out for what ever reason, the friendship doesn't either. So, I have learned quite a few lessons. I like to write my experiences to my readers so you guys can learn from my mistakes. But, make a point, I will make plenty more mistakes I'm sure, but   it won't be the same mistakes! Everyone will always learn lessons, what to do and what not to do. But, if you feel that you aren't learning and still are making the same mistakes, then it's time to step back, regroup, and evaluate yourself. It's nothing wrong that and you shouldn't be ashamed. There have been a couple times when I had to regroup and figure me out! In my opinion it's the best therapy. I recently had a school project where I had to take myself out on an artists date. On this date we are suppose to do something different that is out of norm, try something new. On my date, I took myself to dinner and ordered something I would never order. As I was walking into the restaurant, I looked at my surroundings. There were gorgeous statues, people talking on their cells, etc. When i got inside I looked at the menu. I knew I had to order something different. The waitress came over and gave me some ideas on what to order. I was assertive and told her what I was getting and she wrote it down and smiled. I told her that I was doing a project for school and she seemed more excited than I was. But, my point about my artist date was that sometimes you learn different things about yourself. Had I not been assertive and followed directions with the assignment, the nice Krystol would have came out and ordered one of her choices. Readers, I say to you, don't let others walk over you in business or your life period. Some people have a hard time saying no and other's say yes too often before they are giving their reward. There is nothing wrong with being nice to people, but also show them you are not to be toyed with. Be assertive, consistent, and stand your ground. No matter who it's with! 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

CEO/Author/Screenwriter/Ghostwriter/Interviewer: Are You A Facebook Author?

CEO/Author/Screenwriter/Ghostwriter/Interviewer: Are You A Facebook Author?:                                                                         I've often heard the term " Facebook Author" th...

Are You A Facebook Author?


I've often heard the term " Facebook Author" thrown around by some authors who are "on Facebook." According to authors a Facebook author is someone who posts their book on amazon and promotes ONLY on Facebook. Who ever thought of the term is NUTS in my opinion. If that's the case then all authors are guilty of being a Facebook author because we all promote on Facebook! Now, don't get me wrong, some people can't afford to go to every book fair or book event so that have to go for what's best. If social media is it for them, then hey..that's what it is. But, I do feel that authors should look outside of social media to get their book out as much as they can. With this economy money is tight, but people will do what they want to do. I feel Facebook is used for various reasons to promote and market your book or business and meet new people. Often times editors, graphic designers and other business owners find their clients on Facebook.  Now, back to this Facebook author crap. Yes, I said crap! The way the word has been used as if it's a bad thing to promote your work on Facebook. I get that people don't like to see spam on their newsfeed with the same book over and over, but isn't that their problem? I mean there is a delete button or then can choose not to see other's posts show up on there news feed. I just feel that it's bad enough authors have to publish a book and then wait to see what the world is going to say about it. All authors believe in their work and they should post it on their Facebook page, groups and friend's pages. I have heard some friends don't like that idea too much. The point I want to make is that if you are proud of an accomplishment why not use social media for what it's intended for? Authors already have it tough putting their work out and expecting to not only gain readers attention but to make some money as well. Sure to some it may not be all about the money but I'm sure the money does help. I say to my "Facebook authors" keep grinding and making your work known to the media. Some book events and fair may help to but if you can't afford it, Facebook is used for you to run your page as you see fit. It's your page! If other's don't like it, delete em and keep it moving. Life is too short to have people and authors having a say on how you should promote your work whether it's with Facebook only, twitter only, or where ever you promote. Do it with a smile on your face and an accomplishment in your heart.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Not Every Event Is For Every Author


Greetings fellow authors! 

I know it's been a while since I blogged about authors and I humbly apologize. Although I'm still an author, I have taken my writing to a broader range of writing for t.v., games, animation, and feature films. But, I still write my novels as well from time to time. Let's talk about author events. In my personal opinion I don't have to go to a lot of events where a lot of authors will be. It's too much competition. With a lot of authors trying to sell  their books, it will be difficult for you to stand out. A consumer will be confused or feel "overwhelmed" with so many books by so many authors. Now, don't get me wrong, some people will support every author there but what will make " your" book stand out from the rest? Will it be the synopsis, the cover, etc?  Finding the right event that will market your book best is tough. Often times I have been at a lot of book events with a lot of authors and haven't had any success. It's happened to myself. I began to notice a pattern. At my very first event ever with my first book Through Her Eyes, I had a table next to the legendary Wahida Clark. Now, we all know Ms. Clark is very known for her work and her company. I was also in the mist of J. M. Benjamin, K. D Harris and more.   My table was next to Wahida Clark and I noticed the long line of  readers smiling with their pens and cell phones waiting for there autograph and picture. I thought myself, " Wow...I want to be like her? I want that credibility and fame. But, I only had one book. I did what any other person would do in that situation and I introduced myself to her. We laughed, talked, and I got a few pointers on the way. However, I still stood tall with my one book and my 5x7 small billboard with my cover and synopsis. Some people came over and looked at my book, and even bought it, but then they went to Wahida's line and purchased very copy she had there. Apart of me felt a little upset or bamboozled because the event planner sat me next to her. Now three years later, I have 8 novels of my own, my own publishing company and confidence and integrity. I have came a long way since my first event. At that event apart of me felt like giving up, low, and unappreciated as a new writer. The other writer's didn't pay as much attention to me until I made them. I went to each table one by one and introduced with my one book. Some was even nice enough to swap, but let's face it they weren't going to read my book. It's sad to say today that authors don't support authors. Well at least most of them. So, in my opinion my first event wasn't for me because I was like a fish in a huge pond. Lesson learned. As I graduated to more book events with even more authors, I still noticed that I wasn't getting any sales no matter how well I sold myself and my books. It was then until I started going to events that no authors were apart that I started to gain a following and make a name for myself. I got vending tables for plays, concerts, and family reunions that weren't my own. Before I knew it, I was now selling books! I'm not saying that authors shouldn't do author event, because it is a great networking tool. My question is when networking what makes the next person's advice, valid? Not every event is for every author. When choosing events to go to make sure you have the proper finances  because ANYTHING can go wrong! Also, make sure that it's beneficial for you to be there. The goal is to not only network but to sell your product to the best of your ability. When picking events  to go to, DO YOUR RESEARCH and make the right choice the best choice! 


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Still Standing

I've had a stressful couple of months. I'm at the process of working on my film and trying to finish school. After this one class I'm taking, I have ONE more then i'm done! I will have a Master's Degree in Creative Writing!!! I'm so excited and nervous at the same time. I think what has me nervous is trying to find a writing job in the field.  I don't want to feel like I've wasted money with obtaining this degree. But, I will have faith and know that God is going to take care of me. My ultimate goal is to write for Hollywood with a network of some sort. I hope that I can and will achieve my goal. Working, and going to school to obtain a Master's is no easy task. I must say I spend many of nights studying. Not to mention I have a business and I'm an author. But, the hustle doesn't stop. I will continue to work hard to get to where I need to be.    There has been some stumbles but I will bend, and not break! My faith is strong and I will keep trusting in God. Anyway, things are looking up. I've been offered a couple writing gigs for two companies. Time will tell the story, but I'm so thankful for the opportunity. Writing has always been something I enjoy doing. But, to get a chance to write for a company or network....epic!!! I look forward to the good times that lie ahead. Let the good times roll!!! 2013 is MY year.