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Friday, May 17, 2013

Not Every Event Is For Every Author


Greetings fellow authors! 

I know it's been a while since I blogged about authors and I humbly apologize. Although I'm still an author, I have taken my writing to a broader range of writing for t.v., games, animation, and feature films. But, I still write my novels as well from time to time. Let's talk about author events. In my personal opinion I don't have to go to a lot of events where a lot of authors will be. It's too much competition. With a lot of authors trying to sell  their books, it will be difficult for you to stand out. A consumer will be confused or feel "overwhelmed" with so many books by so many authors. Now, don't get me wrong, some people will support every author there but what will make " your" book stand out from the rest? Will it be the synopsis, the cover, etc?  Finding the right event that will market your book best is tough. Often times I have been at a lot of book events with a lot of authors and haven't had any success. It's happened to myself. I began to notice a pattern. At my very first event ever with my first book Through Her Eyes, I had a table next to the legendary Wahida Clark. Now, we all know Ms. Clark is very known for her work and her company. I was also in the mist of J. M. Benjamin, K. D Harris and more.   My table was next to Wahida Clark and I noticed the long line of  readers smiling with their pens and cell phones waiting for there autograph and picture. I thought myself, " Wow...I want to be like her? I want that credibility and fame. But, I only had one book. I did what any other person would do in that situation and I introduced myself to her. We laughed, talked, and I got a few pointers on the way. However, I still stood tall with my one book and my 5x7 small billboard with my cover and synopsis. Some people came over and looked at my book, and even bought it, but then they went to Wahida's line and purchased very copy she had there. Apart of me felt a little upset or bamboozled because the event planner sat me next to her. Now three years later, I have 8 novels of my own, my own publishing company and confidence and integrity. I have came a long way since my first event. At that event apart of me felt like giving up, low, and unappreciated as a new writer. The other writer's didn't pay as much attention to me until I made them. I went to each table one by one and introduced with my one book. Some was even nice enough to swap, but let's face it they weren't going to read my book. It's sad to say today that authors don't support authors. Well at least most of them. So, in my opinion my first event wasn't for me because I was like a fish in a huge pond. Lesson learned. As I graduated to more book events with even more authors, I still noticed that I wasn't getting any sales no matter how well I sold myself and my books. It was then until I started going to events that no authors were apart that I started to gain a following and make a name for myself. I got vending tables for plays, concerts, and family reunions that weren't my own. Before I knew it, I was now selling books! I'm not saying that authors shouldn't do author event, because it is a great networking tool. My question is when networking what makes the next person's advice, valid? Not every event is for every author. When choosing events to go to make sure you have the proper finances  because ANYTHING can go wrong! Also, make sure that it's beneficial for you to be there. The goal is to not only network but to sell your product to the best of your ability. When picking events  to go to, DO YOUR RESEARCH and make the right choice the best choice! 


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