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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Are You A Facebook Author?


I've often heard the term " Facebook Author" thrown around by some authors who are "on Facebook." According to authors a Facebook author is someone who posts their book on amazon and promotes ONLY on Facebook. Who ever thought of the term is NUTS in my opinion. If that's the case then all authors are guilty of being a Facebook author because we all promote on Facebook! Now, don't get me wrong, some people can't afford to go to every book fair or book event so that have to go for what's best. If social media is it for them, then hey..that's what it is. But, I do feel that authors should look outside of social media to get their book out as much as they can. With this economy money is tight, but people will do what they want to do. I feel Facebook is used for various reasons to promote and market your book or business and meet new people. Often times editors, graphic designers and other business owners find their clients on Facebook.  Now, back to this Facebook author crap. Yes, I said crap! The way the word has been used as if it's a bad thing to promote your work on Facebook. I get that people don't like to see spam on their newsfeed with the same book over and over, but isn't that their problem? I mean there is a delete button or then can choose not to see other's posts show up on there news feed. I just feel that it's bad enough authors have to publish a book and then wait to see what the world is going to say about it. All authors believe in their work and they should post it on their Facebook page, groups and friend's pages. I have heard some friends don't like that idea too much. The point I want to make is that if you are proud of an accomplishment why not use social media for what it's intended for? Authors already have it tough putting their work out and expecting to not only gain readers attention but to make some money as well. Sure to some it may not be all about the money but I'm sure the money does help. I say to my "Facebook authors" keep grinding and making your work known to the media. Some book events and fair may help to but if you can't afford it, Facebook is used for you to run your page as you see fit. It's your page! If other's don't like it, delete em and keep it moving. Life is too short to have people and authors having a say on how you should promote your work whether it's with Facebook only, twitter only, or where ever you promote. Do it with a smile on your face and an accomplishment in your heart.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent. Someone needs to speak on this issue. People get criticized for how they market their work. Some don't have the funds.
