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Friday, December 28, 2012

Writing isn't just a hobby!

Hey readers and writers!  I pray that your Christmas holiday was great! Did you eat a lot of food and get everything that you wanted? As for me I did a lot of writing over the Christmas holiday. It puts me in a great mood to venture off to another world. A world of what I like to call, Writing Bliss! Yes, writing can be very therapeutic! To the writers who read this blog, I know it may seem like repetition but it's an essential tool that everyone uses. Whether you are a published writer or not, many writer's don't see the gift that they have. Some people write as a hobby or their lives may depend on it! But, i'm here to tell you that writing isn't just a hobby!! Writing can be a job, a way to escape from the worlds problems, or a reason to belong. As for me writing is a job. At least that's the way that I like to think of it. Every time I publish a new literary piece whether it be a novel,  script, short story, commercial, print ad, episode, whatever it's like a job. I do get paid real money to write. It may not be the six figure income that all writers pray for, but it does pay. Yea, we all want to make it as a writer, but are we really making it at all? Of course we are! Every time someone reads a script, or a book that you've published, you have made it! It's going from your finger tips on to someone's eyes for their reading pleasure. You see, readers and writers go hand in hand. I know you're thinking, How? It's simple logic, we as writers write as if our lives depend on it to please, who? Oh yes... the READERS!!!! Readers are like our bosses and some bosses can be very demanding in wanting the next " project" finished. Believe me, a lot of my readers always want to know when is the next book coming? Or what are you working on now? It's almost like they are a drug addict looking for their next fix! But, that's what makes our job that much more rewarding and fun. So i say writing isn't just a hobby, it's a job and we have to keep our boss happy or we will get terminated and they will hire someone else.  Believe me I know! Who has time to be in the unemployment line as a writer? Does it even exist? It does in our hearts and on writer EVER wants to be in that dark place of not having our literary voices heard. When you feel that you aren't into writing or have lost your "mojo" just remember tomorrow is always another work day. Write as if your life depends on it, I know I do! 


1 comment:

  1. Looking good! Congrats baby may 2013 bring you more that you can dream of!
